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My sexual escapism is at an ALL TIME HIGH

Two weeks ago, the Voldemort of politics was re-elected to the highest office in the land, side-stepping any responsibility for the numerous felony convictions he’d racked up. My mentor and colleague passed and I can’t stop wondering if I’d said enough about how much of an impact he’d had on my life and my career. I’m under fire at work for reasons we don’t need to discuss. With all of this, I can’t keep my dick out of my hand.

I came back from a long trip to be greeted by a regular who sucked the life out of my body. I huffed my poppers and let him do what he felt was most appropriate to my erection. I came and needed more. The following day, after a workout that was 3-weeks overdue, I meandered my way to the cruising park which, I’m not ashamed to know is 3.2 miles from my home, exactly. One gobbled and two came in other ways. But I wasn’t finished…nor do I think I’m finished now.

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